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Practice Smarter and Harder, and Have Fun With It!

July 02, 2020

Practice Smarter and Harder, and Have Fun With It!

Today I encourage everyone to look at practice on a more positive note! Utilize this time to clean up your technique in a more efficient way so that you can go back to work and take your lash sets to the next level. Let’s be honest… we all have so much on our plate on a day to day basis and more often than not, spend less time to closely examine our work or clean up our technique than we plan to. We’ll put it off for tomorrow, which becomes the next week, and even a few months, but NOW IS THE TIME TO LEVEL UP! I know we can all relate to becoming so eager when it comes down to learning a new technique as fast as possible, but the anticipation can become a burnout if we rush. “Nothing good ever comes out of hurry and frustration, only misery.”

Whatever technique you are practicing with, fully understanding and implementing all the technical steps are extremely important. Take a step back and reflect to fully understand the technicalities of every step for the technique you want to brush up on. Each technique has their own set of micromovements that I recommend repetitively reciting the steps out loud and practice the movements at the same time in a Pyramidal fashion. 

The Pyramid Practice Method will give you a different perspective on how you process steps, and after you will surely be more confident in the way you lash.

What is the Pyramid Method?

Let’s use the Flower Bouquet technique as an example:

  • Practice the correct movement and placement of tweezers Step 1. (peeling lashes off the strip in the sweet spot of your tweezer)
  • Once you are confident and consistent with step 1, move onto step 2. (Shimmy side to side at about 50% pressure)
  • Now that Step 1 and 2 are fully understood and you are confident with doing the correct movements for the first 2 steps, start over with step 1 and combine it with step 2. (grab a chunk of lashes at the sweet spot > shimmy side to side at 50% pressure)
  • Once you’ve got Steps 1 and 2 in harmony, add in step 3 and practice the micromovements of the first 3 steps in order. (grab a chunk of lashes at the sweet spot > shimmy side to side at 50% pressure > tight grip of lashes at 100%, then tilt back)
  • When Steps 1, 2, and 3 and it have a nice flow, add step 4 into the mix. Repeat the process until all you have added each and every step together to create consistent fans.

It is so easy to get ahead of ourselves and combine 2 steps in one but each step has its own purpose and learning the technicalities behind them is crucial. This method will ensure that you are breaking down each step slowly and later combining them in a way that will really help with your muscle memory become more efficient. If you are unsure of a step, refer back to your manual, or contact your instructor for any clarification needed!

I used this technique for school, learning dance choreography, and practicing any lash related/not lash related skill and I can tell you, it works every time. Remember to TAKE… IT… SLOW… Everyone’s path is different and your journey is so special in its own unique way. Just know that it’s okay to take as long as you need to perfect your craft.

Last but not least, have fun with it! You WILL undoubtedly succeed at anything you set your mind and you will be GREAT at it! Remember to be patient, and, most importantly, be kind to yourself. Please give the Pyramid Method a try and I would love to know your thoughts about it!

Warm regards,


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