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Why should I continue my lash education?

August 05, 2024

Why should I continue my lash education?

Hi, hello, how is everyone doing- mentally, physically, and spiritually?

If you’re doing fantastic, keep reading! If you’re feeling out of the blue, maybe a little lost?… keep reading. This is for you.

Lashing can be lonely most of the time and the only interaction we mainly get is from our clients, social media, and our plants. But if you’re like me, I don’t spend the entire fill catching up with my client because I know they’re there for a relaxing service, and I do my best work when there’s no talking involved. So really I’m pretty much left with social media.

Ever feel like you’re in a routine? Greet clients, do lashes, take pictures, post on social media, repeat. Sound familiar? And if you’re doing that same routine for years and years and years + start to compare yourself to other artists on social media, you may or may not lose a bit of your spark. Maybe you feel lost? Confused? Unmotivated? Burnt out? If you can relate to this, this is your sign to take another class!

I believe that furthering your education is extremely vital, especially in the lash industry. The technology behind this industry continues to advance day by day and with that, it’s our job to stay on top of our theory, product usage, and even the science behind of it all… And they said lashing is easy 😉

If it’s been a few years since you’ve last taken a class or you have never taken one at all, now is probably the time to do so! Not only will it spark new ideas and interest for your business, but you can also fine-tune the skills you have now to make them even greater. You can also learn a new technique that may be more beneficial and efficient than the one you are using right now, discover your own style, and even network with classmates/peers/mentors that make an amazing support system. Whether it is a new photography/editing class, learning a new fan-making technique/mapping class, or other services, give it shot. You’ll never know unless you try, and you’ll be so happy that you did. Remember, after taking any class, you have to be hungry to put in the work to stay on top! I promise it’s always worth the investment. (of course, do extensive research about the class)

It’s okay to have bumps in the road and be unmotivated at times. No one’s perfect. What’s important is that you get back up, shake it off, and take control of what will be best for your business and mental health. Be honest with yourself and listen to your intuition. I believe in you, and I know you’ll be even greater. You got this!

Virtual xoxo


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