If there’s one thing I’ve learned since starting my lash journey, it’s that using a high-quality lash extension adhesive makes all the difference in the world. Since 2019, I have been a devoted fan of the original Superhero Lash Glue.
Not to prime is a crime... but there are exceptions! Think of it like this: Priming is a preparatory step that's applied on a clean canvas to hold onto whatever product is applied afterward...
Let's talk about getting to know that one thing that can make or break our day/week/month/year: Eyelash Extension Adhesive. It's a tricky subject. But we just dip the extension in it and stick them to the Natural, right?
Time is most certainly valuable. Here are some tips and tricks I have accumulated over the years that have helped me lash more quickly and efficiently without sacrificing the quality of my work...
Practice makes progress and perfect practice makes perfect. I know, I know… we’ve heard it all before but it’s true. If you happen to click on this blog, you may or may not be looking for ...