Speaking in London at the Lash Pro Conference was a highlight of my year. I met some incredibly inspiring women who hold the standard so high in our lash industry. I was honored to speak about the power of leading with love to many incredible lash artists. At one point, I asked how many women in the room were moms - About 75% of the room raised their hands ...
One promise I am making to myself this new year is not to be a new me but to see and approach everything with a new,refreshed, positive perspective. I choose to tell myself no matter what I may be feeling / what is going on, everything will turn out better than I could imagine. To encourage myself to find the good and ...
You will never regret being too kind to anyone. Kindness is contagious. There was a day when I was 17 that I will never forget. I was feeling so terrible about myself, had no confidence and couldn’t even look in the mirror. My family needed to go to the mall, so I went with them. I had 3 different people come up, give me compliments, and say the kindest things to me ...
When we think of mental health we often think of disorders - whether or not somebody has a healthy mind compared to the rest of society. However, mental health doesn’t necessarily need to be defined with diagnoses. A good definition of mental health is ...
We all know that it’s important to sanitize our tools (and if “we” don’t, we do now, and there are no excuses from here on out ;) but knowing they need to be sanitized and knowing the best way to go about it may be two different things.